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100 days - Day 04

Day 4

Tiny tiny Toes

Well with the rain and all the hoopla, we can't seal anything - so hooves it is. I went in a did some base coating of my basic Shell color and "blue corn" color for dark hooves. Let's check all the guys getting their pedicures done. Some new faces are here as I work on odds and ends, but hopefully I will be finishing them up soon.

AA Andalusian

Shell layer applied, nothing too fancy I will probably make this a bi colored hooves, but for now just the basecoat.

AA Thoroughbred

Here's that blue corn color I mentioned, you can see I've already gotten a stripped hoof down on his fore leg there.


Darkened the hoof color with that blue corn color. I left a bit of a ring for the cornet band on the hoof. I might stripe these guys but I might keep them a deep dark hoof color.


Well here's my stalled eagle. I was starting down this bright chestnut splash path, then my friend from Arizona, Lauren of Desert Sun Creations put out her little guy, and I don't want it to seem I'm copying her. So I'm still putting his hoof color on, but his overall color and tone and pattern are still evolving. This happens time to time in the hobby, and thankfully we both understand that neither is trying to usurp the other.


Here's a hobby rarity, this is a Arizona Live LE resin by Kathleen Moody. This feisty guy isn't everyone's cup of tea, but think he's such a cute spit fire. Here's his new stripped hooves, more shading and growth lines will be added.


Carpet Pig is back but this time it's to dirty up her toes. She's getting a touch of pastel shading to add a smidge of grunge because can you every really keep that show pony clean. I hope to finish up more details on her soon. She's just so tiny.


Shell color is now on the toes, and we even decided to fill in the eye socket there just to give her a little bit of contrast.

Eberl Frisian

This blue, purple, black beauty just got it's blue corn color added to it's toes, I paint far into the feathers so I can paint strands covering the hoof. So please ignore any lumps and bumps you see. Those are most likely sculpted detail to indicate hair covering the hoof.


I love this cavorting Arab. I instantly knew she was going to be a tostado chestnut. I've seen this horse, I've ridden this horse lol. This is that "intermediate" trail horse you get on, that decides today is the day I'm going to test this rider who clearly hasn't ridden in a good five years. Hold on to your butts! Hoof stripes and solid blue corn color was added to this one.


Hooves got the stripping treatment I tend to find photos of Belgians two ways - Show Black hooves (where you don't see any natural hoof) or Au Natural. She's a farm horse with a roached mane, not a breed demonstration show horse. So we went with the more natural look. Once they are done, we will be attaching those tiny horse shoes she came with.

Little Miss Fancy Pants

She's got her hooves base coated, but I've decided this show horse will have hoof black as per what you see at indoor driving events. I've started an experiment with colored pencils, she's been lightly dappled, I might push it more before doing some washes to blend them back in. Still deciding what I will do with her base.


Because I wasn't sure if she would eventually get leg markings we went with a dark hoof with some light striping.


Hooves have been base coated, and little details still need to be added, but I think I'm happy with his color.


Feet are done, now it's building up the beachy waves this Marwari/Kathiwari horse is running through. I'm still working details, and need to flesh out the face a bit more. I hope to show how I approach water bases with different materials soon.


For the one hoof that's exposed, we've begun to paint in the underside detail trying to pop the hoof wall and frog.


Still doing a bit of back and forth with this guy both on his feet and feathers.


A rare stablemate resin from Kathleen Moody, he's been many a chestnut pinto but I've finally decided upon this Tovero pattern. He's got the start of his feet done, next is to add some grunge to this barn pony.

Ridiculous Nicolas

I'm constantly going back and forth with this one, he's on that do I exaggerate him or paint him more subtle. Here I'm still not happy with overall body shade and the color of the mane and tail. Notice his tiny chestnuts.


He's not only getting his feet done but we are contemplating if he should just be a shaded bay or have just a hint of dappling.


I think his body color is mostly there, still deepening the points without using black. He's got a bit of a grainy quality to his color so I'm hoping washing highlights and shadow will amend that issue. It might be because of the French grey I chose to use.


Refined the colors to give a hint of a cornet band, now for details to be locked in so we can work on what that base will be.


This feisty dude is still getting some repair work done, I found a boo boo and now it's the long back and forth process of matching colors and blending

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